Every month we feature Replica Community members and their work using Replica data during our Community Technical webinar. Watch September's panel discussion with professionals from a range of backgrounds — including traffic engineering, planning, and modeling — who use Replica in their work. Our panelists included:
Public policy leaders, state and local government agencies, transportation planners, consulting firms, private companies.
Albab Noor is a Senior Data Scientist at Replica with a background in travel demand modeling. Prior to joining Replica, he was a consultant with RSG and Steer working on various travel demand model development projects across the US. At Replica, Albab helps our customers and prospects understand Replica data in-depth and how it can be applied to various modeling tasks. He also works with our internal teams to continuously improve our products and offer new features.
Alexandra Matri Aiello is a Senior Manager of Planning at MTA Construction and Development and became interested in transportation planning and policy when she began bike commuting in 2011. At the MTA, she has worked on the Cashless Tolling Transition and the Central Business District Tolling Program. Prior to joining the MTA, she was a GIS Analyst at NJ Transit and a Campaign Field Organizer in which she built regional volunteer networks to re-elect President Barack Obama in Florida. Alexandra graduated from Rutgers University with a Master of Public Administration and from SUNY College at Oneonta with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Science in Philosophy.
Max has over 12 years of experience working as a planner in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. He has also served in local and national leadership roles with the American Planning Association (APA). From 2017 - 2020, Max was president of the APA NY Metro Chapter, and he served for two years as Vice Chair of the APA Chapter Presidents Council.
Rigdha is an experienced professional, with over 12 years of comprehensive multi-disciplinary experience. Her expertise is in travel demand forecasting with regional transportation models and traffic capacity analysis. Her recent project work spans environmental impact studies focusing in transportation analyses; in the United States, and internationally. Rigdha served as the secretary for Engineers Without Borders in the New York professional chapter for over 2 years and mentored high school students for ACE, NYC.
Ryan is a project engineer at Olsson, a nationally recognized engineering firm that offers design and consulting services in Planning and Design, Engineering, Field Services, Environmental, and Technology. He specializes in transportation planning and engineering services in the eastern Iowa region. Prior to Olsson, Ryan held similar roles in the Middle Tennessee and West Texas markets. His ten-year career includes numerous public and private sector studies and design projects across the country that produced implementable plans that enhanced communities while serving the needs of the Client.
Ryan holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso and is licensed in Iowa, Tennessee, and Kentucky.