Replica has been busy making valuable new data sets and capabilities available to our customers. Here’s what we’ve added recently to help you shape the future of cities, transportation networks, and the built environment.
Annual Average Daily Traffic of motor vehicles on roadways
Now available in-app: On-street and off-street (lot) parking
Use Annual Average Daily Traffic of motor vehicles for roadways to understand average hourly volumes by day of the week.
Now available for downloading from our web application. On-street and lot (off-street) parking data includes the number of spaces, rate structures, open hours, operators, and other lot attributes.
Granular land-use data represents a nationwide snapshot of parcels, their land use, their total built square footage, and their dwelling unit count for the Fall 2021 season. Replica models ~150M disaggregate parcels nationwide.
TMC data includes motor vehicle trip counts at most signalized intersections for each day of the week, bucketed into 1-hour intervals.
Replica's platform enhancements make it easier than ever to access our detailed data about the built environment and the ways that mobility, people, and land use interact with it. New features include:
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