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Webinar Recording

EV Infrastructure & Equity: A Data-Driven Approach​

60 minutes

Webinar Recording

Learn from Replica, Vinny Riscica from Arup, and Monisha Shah from the Joint Office of Energy & Transportation. Monisha is overseeing Justice40 and provides valuable insight on how to approach the guidance. Vinny shares how planning firms are leading the way in using data to drive equity in planning.

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About the Webinar

A major challenge that decision-makers face is accessing reliable, recent, and accurate data to inform what policy and infrastructure investment will actually make an impact on their community.
In this webinar we discussed:

EV charging infrastructure is top of mind for both public sector agencies and consultant partners thanks to the new National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program, which will provide $5 billion of formula and discretionary funds over the next five years to strategically deploy EV charging infrastructure and establish a network to enable data collection, access and reliability. States are required to submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan to the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation by August 1, 2022. This plan must include how each state intends to comply with the federal government’s Justice 40 guidance ensuring program benefits reach disadvantaged communities.




Public policy leaders, state and local government agencies, transportation planners, consulting firms, private companies, Reconnecting Communities Pilot applicants, and community advocates.


Replica provides data that empowers more informed, impactful decisions about the built environment. Our mission is to organize the world’s information about the built environment. In this webinar we'll have the following speakers:
Monisha Shah
Equity Subteam Lead: Joint Office on Energy and Transportation
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Monisha Shah is Senior Energy Analyst in the Strategic Energy Analysis Center at NREL’s Washington D.C. office. Receiving a M.S.E. in Environmental Engineering from John Hopkins University, Monisha’s work centers on the impact of climate change and energy policy on the deployment of renewable energy technologies across communities and its subsequential economic development. Most recently, Monisha pioneered the development and implementation of Department of Energy’s first Justice40 benefits framework. In her work, she continues to explore systems and practices for energy and environmental justice in communities across the country. She is now the Equity Lead for the Joint of Office on Energy and Transportation.


Max Sokol
Solutions Architect: Replica
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Max has over a dozen years of experience in the private, public, and non-profit sectors of the planning profession, and he has served in local and national leadership roles with the APA. From 2017 – 2020, Max was President of the APA NY Metro Chapter, and he served for the past two years as Vice Chair of the APA Chapter Presidents Council.

Vincent Riscica
Zero Emission Mobility Consultant: Arup
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Vincent Riscica is a Senior Consultant in Arup’s New York office where he leads an interdisciplinary Zero Emission Mobility team. He applies his planning and policy expertise to help clients address community challenges and promote sustainability and climate justice. He draws on a broad background including projects in post-disaster reconstruction, pedestrian safety, climate adaptive infrastructure, electrification, curb management, and smart mobility. Since 2017, Vincent has been leading EV infrastructure planning projects and helping develop and refine Arup’s approach to EV charging demand and infrastructure suitability analysis. He contributed to the development of Arup’s equitable charging siting tool called Charge4All. Vincent is part of Arup’s global Future Mobility and Zero Emission Mobility Integration Teams.

Kiran Jain
Chief Policy Officer & General Counsel: Replica
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Kiran has over 15 years of experience working with technology companies and public agencies on legal and public policy innovation impacting the built environment. She is the former Chief Resilience Officer for the City of Oakland, where she focused on data-driven service delivery to drive more equitable outcomes, and is a former city attorney focused on land use, real estate and municipal finance.

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