Replica’s Safe Streets Planner enables public agencies to map existing conditions, analyze specific corridors, and generate their own High Conflict Corridor and Safety Action Plans.
Rather than investing in a one-off analysis or third-party report that will quickly become out of date as conditions on the ground change, Replica’s Safe Streets Planner updates each season with the most recent data.
Marginalized communities are at risk on streets that extend beyond their home communities. Replica data allows us to match trips of Communities of Concern residents to cities' High Injury Networks creating a more holistic approach to safety and equity concerns. Visit our blog to learn more.
Replica data is used to visualize all of New York City’s most dangerous intersections and what intersections to prioritize for safety improvements. Visit our blog to learn more.
Replica’s mobility and land use data was used to help Alta’s clients understand existing conditions and identify next steps for investing effectively in active transportation.
Replica’s data can also be used to normalize severe injury and fatality crash data to go beyond where crashes are happening, and determine where road users are most at risk. Paired with neighborhoods where vulnerable populations reside, this quick analysis can augment a traditional high injury network street prioritization by layering in vulnerable population volumes. For an example of such an investigation, please refer to Replica’s SS4A Webinar and blog post featuring the city of Atlanta.